Fabrice Lollia
Laureate of the thesis prize for security and crisis management 2020
Medal of Honour of the French National Police 2021
Fabrice LOLLIA comes from the specialised services of the French national police. PhD and EMBA, he is a specialist in security issues relating to new technologies.
His professional doctoral thesis focuses on implementing an anti-kidnapping security solution and its impact on the French Embassy in Kabul. (Afghanistan)
Author of the book l’organisation face au Kidnapping, his researchers are regularly published in scientific journals and newspapers in France and abroad.
He teaches in several institutions in organisations’ security management and digital transformation.
He is currently the head of security France for the German multinational Siemens Gamesa renewable energy.





Executive Master of Business Administration
International professional master’s degree aimed at understanding and integrating the principles of management and business functions within large companies, considering multiculturalism in management practice. This master’s degree enables the development of leadership skills with a “digital business” orientation.

Gustave Eiffel University
Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
Doctorate in information and communication sciences
Professional doctorate in action research in the framework of the protection management of the French embassy and its employees (ambassadors, diplomats,…) in Afghanistan through the implementation of an anti-kidnapping security technology.

Université Gustave Eiffel
Master’s degree in information sciences, economic intelligence and risk analysis
Professional Master’s degree aims to understand the problems linked to the competition of companies in France and abroad, to implement and manage a crisis unit, and to identify informational risks, strategies of influence, and counter influence.
Laureate of the thesis prize for security and crisis management 2020
Medal of Honour of the National Police 2021
Professional Experiences
Head of Security France
Siemens Gamesa
Management and implementation of a safety policy within France’s most significant industrial project for renewable energy.

Rennes School of Business
Teaching quantitative methodology and supervising the Grandes Écoles programm students in their graduating project.

Isen Yncrea Ouest engineering school
Teacher in the Master 2 cybersecurity course. Teaching on the legislative aspect related to cybercrime and in the context of the digitalisation of companies.

Security Advisor
Presidency of the Ile de France region
Writing of scientific research notes on issues related to public security, terrorism and new security technologies.

Security officer in charge of the protection of threatened civil, governmental and political figures in France and abroad
Ministry of the Interior
Department for the Protection of VIP. Sub-Directorate for Personalities at Risk

Judicial Police Officer, Deputy Head of Group
Paris Police Headquarters
Judicial investigations control the legality of arrests and processing common-law offences within a judicial unit composed of judicial police officers.

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Thesis, Book

Thèse de Doctorat

Ouvrage : L’organisation face au kidnapping
LOLLIA, F. (2020). L’organisation face au kidnapping : Quelle solution face au kidnapping contre rançon ? Édition Emerit Publishing.
Press and Scientific Journals

Organisation en milieu hostile
LOLLIA, F. (2019). Organisation en milieu hostile : L’effet de la géolocalisation sur l’organisation en milieu terroriste. Journal of Human Mediatised Interactions/Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées, 20(2).

Le terrorisme à l’ère numérique
Cahier de la justice et de la sécurité. Institut des Hautes Etudes du Ministère de l’Intérieur.

Terrorisme, internet et réseaux sociaux
LOLLIA, F. (2021). Terrorisme, internet et réseaux sociaux. International Security Analysis (ISA).

La déradicalisation : Mythe ou réalité ?
LOLLIA, F. (2021). La déradicalisation : Mythe ou réalité ? International Security Analysis (ISA).

Caméras corporelles sur les policiers français
LOLLIA, F. (2021). Caméras corporelles sur les policiers français : Ce que nous apprend l’expérience des États-Unis et du Canada. TheConversation.com.

Technologies de surveillance
Technologies de surveillance: comment dépasser les réticences psychologiques.

Organisation protection
Organisations today are victims of a security risk that is characterised in different ways:
- A human risk: the security of employees is now that of the company, which must meet its security obligation.
- A material risk: theft, damage and destruction of goods are an integral part of the daily security problems of organisations.
- An intangible risk: In the age of cybercrime and digital transformation, the risk linked to data and its protection is now well established within organisations.
My expertise lies in the protection of organisations in order to provide them with optimal security in the face of various threats aimed at undermining their survival.

Organisations digital transformation
Organisations are now entering the world of digitalisation. To do this, dematerialisation is at the heart of the new organisational issues.
Autissier (2016) argues that companies that are mature in terms of digital transformation perform 26% better than the average of their competitors.
On the other hand, digital transformation is often doomed to failure; two out of three transformation strategies fail among the surveys conducted. An alarming reality that requires rethinking the management of this type of transformation differently and evolutionarily.
It is, therefore, the question of considering the human being and its complexity in a perspective of change: a strategy at the heart of my expertise.